
Gretel Uys

As a dedicated Pharmacist for over 20 years, there are few things in life I find as rewarding as my work: marriage to my high school sweetheart for over three decades, my three amazing daughters, three beautiful granddaughters, my adorable miniature dachshund, and my work as a life and leadership coach.

Why I Coach

My coaching program helps my clients gain clarity, unlock resilience, and cultivate confidence––even on the grounds of personal or professional change.

If you are experiencing a life transition and need someone to help you get unstuck––to push through the obstacles holding you back on your path to success––I’d love to be your coach.

Certified Coach Since 2017

Maxwell Leadership Coaching Certification Program

As an Executive Director of Maxwell Leadership Certified Team, I am certified to facilitate, speak, train and coach individuals and groups in the areas of leadership development, professional skills and personal growth.

Whether you are looking for a personal coach, facilitator for group workshops, or a speaker for your next event, I have access to exclusive content that is only available through the Maxwell Leadership Coaching Certification Program to help you reach your goals and objectives.

Background Before Coaching

In 2002, I was recruited from South Africa to work in the retail pharmaceutical industry. In 2016, I attained my Doctor of Pharmacy degree, was awarded US citizenship, and took on a position with Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital as Clinical Pharmacist while also working as a pharmacy manager in a retail setting. Recently, I started working as a Consultant Pharmacist for Omnicare, a CVS Health Company, which is truly my dream job! I love having the opportunity every day to make a difference in the lives of patients. 

Amy R.

Owner, CEO, Career Coach, Engineering & Supply Chain Consultant, International Speaker at M&B Rossi Consulting LLC

“Gretel Uys has an innate ability to connect quickly with those she works with which creates an engagement rooted in self-awareness, intentional action, motivation, problem solving, and relief! Her style of coaching is refreshing and powerful, I am very appreciative of Gretel!

Karen G.

Before working with Gretel I struggled with clarifying my goals and developing an action plan. Gretel is supportive, empathetic, and visionary and helped me develop a contact plan and connecting with several potential clients, and now I have been asked to present at a state conference and a leadership conference! I will begin a 9 month group coaching with a group of executives this month. Thanks, Gretel, for encouraging me to follow through on my goals.”

Christine U.

“My life and business were chaotic before working with Gretel. She helped me identify my top priorities and coached me through my task list to ultimately quit my corporate job and take my business full time!”

Ed D.

Executive Coach

“Gretel possesses an uncommon combination of skills and talents. As a pharmacist, she takes a scientific approach to problem solving – looking at data and relationships. As a coach and parent, Gretel also looks at the qualitative aspects of the situation. We delivered training together in South America – Gretel was outstanding to work with.”

Jordan R.

Before working with Gretel I did not have a clear path of my next steps and where I wanted to take my business. I was getting ready to make some key business decisions and I wanted to transition after 6 years to a new location to help my business grow. This caused me to feel overwhelmed and unstructured. Gretel and I once a week would meet to really focus on the most important goals I needed to complete for the week. Gretel and I worked to help me take a deeper dive into my workload and what I wanted to accomplish helped me complete my most important tasks. My business is now relocated and re-opened for business within a matter of weeks! I was surprised how quick I started seeing results, but Gretel helped me gain the confidence and make the best decisions and led me to a quick but effective game plan. I have always needed a business coach and when Gretel and I started working together she knew right away how to help me. 

I have seen results not only in my business but within my work ethic. My business has moved to a new location, set up for business within a matter of weeks and all my business decisions that I was unsure of have guided me to a clear path. My work ethic has kept me grounded and not bothered by the little “fires” that come up during the day and to focus on the most important goals and task. Thank you, Gretel!”

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

Meaning Behind The Elements

The King Protea FLower

Proteas are named for the Greek god Proteus, who was known for his ability to change into many forms; a fitting name for a flower that comes in a plethora of colors and shapes.” (All About King Protea)

The Protea is native to the South African coast. Not only is it near and dear to my own heart, it is an illustrious symbol for transformation, change, and resilience. These are all qualities I believe one must have in order to face trials in life and come out victorious. And qualities I believe you already possess. Coaching helps to draw them out, refine them, and apply them to each transformative season of life.


It’s the edge: standing in front of the gap between where you are and where you dream of being. It’s the challenges and fears holding you back from being and doing all that you were created to. And I coach to help you close that gap.

When you find yourself on life’s cliffs, standing on that rocky ledge and feeling the fear paralyze you from knowing what to do next, I am here to help you bloom….

Get to Know Me


Travel through the monumental moments of my life with me and get to know some of the experiences, highlights, and changes that have shaped my perspective. It’s like a digital photo album with snippets of memories, accomplishments, and transitions I hold dearly. I invite you: pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and get to know me as a person, not just as your coach.